Monday, August 29, 2011

BIG Changes

Hey all,
As I sit here and write this blog, I think of all the BIG changes in the last month. We've bought a house. I began babysitting & we now have a 3month old mini doxie. WOW! Big changes. Faith even started 1st grade!! Since purchasing our new home, we ripped up the carpet and laid wood floor laminate, painted all the rooms, we are working on putting in new baseboards, still lots of painting for the window sills, doors & door frames.
Baby sitting has been wonderful. It allows me to stay home with my own kids & enjoy other children while making a little extra money. Our puppy has been lots of fun trying to house train him. We have been working on a name for him. I really like Zacchaeus. He is a wee little doggie! :)
I have not had much time for DIY stuff or freezer cooking. I will be so happy when we are fully settled. We had our 1st house guess 1 week after moving in! We even hosted a dinner for some family & friends. Its been a plateful but I say " Life is like the buffet, always gotta have a full plate!"